VSCode Productivity Setup
Code faster with this snippets and shortcuts!
Before continuing with the snippets guide, make sure to install the extension “ES7+ React Snippets” and “React - Typescript snippets”. There are also some other extensions that might be useful, check them out in my Settings article.
Here’s the list of all the shortcuts I use.
Folder Navigation
Ctrl+Tab: Change to last tab.
Ctrl+W: Close current tab.
Ctrl+.: Open settings tab.
Ctrl+O: Open file.
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O: Open folder.
Ctrl+`: Open/Close terminal.
Code Navigation
Ctrl+End: Navigate to the bottom.
Ctrl+Home: Navigate to the top.
Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right: Navigate through entire words.
Ctrl+S: Save current file.
Ctrl+D: Select next match (based on selected text).
Ctrl+F2: Select all match (based on selected text).
Code Manipulation
Ctrl+X: Cut line (delete/copy at the same time).
Ctrl+Enter: Insert line above.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert line below.
Alt+Up: Move line up.
Alt+Down: Move line down.
Ctrl+/: Comment whole line (JS & JSX).
Alt+Click: Add additional cursor.
I included the snippets extension above. Now, I’ll mention the specific snippets I tend to use.
clg =>
imd =>
import { second } from 'first'
imp =>
import second from 'first'
dob =>
const {propName} = objectToDestruct
ust =>
const [, set] = useState<>()
usef =>
useEffect(() => { return () => {} }, [])
rfc => Empty React Functional Component