My VSCode Settings
Full VSCode Configuration guide
One Dark Pro: Best theme IMO, I use the darker version.
Prettier: Most popular code formatter.
Path Intellisense: Autocomplete for filenames.
npm Intellisense: Autocomplete for npm imports.
vscode-icons: Better and colorfull icons for all type of files.
Stack Related
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense: Autocomplete for Tailwind classes.
Auto Rename Tag: Auto rename paired tags
Color Highlight: Highlights hex codes with actual color.
Gitmoji: Cool Emojis for your commits.
Pretty TypeScript Errors: Human-readable errors, finally.
Multiple cursor case preserver: Keep cases when you Ctrl+D a bunch of text.
Import Cost: Display package size along with your imports.
Fluent Icons: Prettier icons at your left sidebar.
Glean: Refactoring tools for your react components.
Shellscape Brackets: Less invasive bracket pair identification.
ES7+ React snippets: For React hooks, components, etc.
React - Typescript snippets: More React snippets.
To easily modify your settings, press Ctrl+Comma and click on the top right file icon to open settings.json. Once you’re there, start including the settings you’re interesed in.
Font: I use Cascadia Code. Before applying the following line, make sure to download the font and install it on your system. I also turn on fontLigatures.
"editor.fontFamily": "'Cascadia Code', 'monospace', monospace", "editor.fontLigatures": true,
Cursor: If you want an animated cursor, try these settings.
"editor.cursorBlinking": "expand", "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": "on",
Prettier: This section is highly opinionated. I just hate short lines and semicolons…
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "prettier.semi": false, "prettier.bracketSameLine": true, "prettier.printWidth": 150, "editor.formatOnSave": true,
Save Space: Need more space? Disable all this. Slightly opinionated as well.
"breadcrumbs.enabled": false, "workbench.statusBar.visible": false, "editor.glyphMargin": false, "editor.overviewRulerBorder": false,